Mentorship Partnering, toward Family Healing and Restorative Justice A collaborative learning program working together to solve real-life challenges

    The AMICUS Project's position: There are critical things that non-Indians do not know about child development, and they are finally waking up, becoming alarmed and trying to rectify. This knowledge has been acquired, not through their own observations or experience, but by "scientific data" that has been very slow to come to our leaders in government, about the nation's children, who are among the lowest priority in the press and political arenas.

    At the first Repatriation Meeting Congressional Hearing on Barona Reservation, Anthropologist Bruce Love testified that the local "connection" with family ancestors and land (proven by DNA testing) extends 5,000 years and beyond. Maintaining this bond of family is the crucial element European-Americans have failed to integrate into their business, educational and political systems. So it is the bond of Creation Itself that is disintegrating throughout the entire culture, and affecting the entire life-cycle of every American citizen.

    However, there are scientific disciplines that are beginning to catch up with the knowledge of wholeness carried by our ancestors, and the US Surgeon General reflects this understanding in his report about the crisis trend of our children's failing mental health, and the need to address this on every level. This is a vital issue for the future of our children and all children.

Please click here to access the surgeon generals website

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